- This applies to Oracle 10g
- How to use STORED Outline to fix a performance issue?
- Ho to change the plan in the outline after generating it?
- Some Pros & Cons of STORED OUTLINE
STORED OUTLINE creation also captures the essential optimizer paramaters which is also assessed before overwriting a plan.
If there is a mismatch then STORED OUTLINE will not be used for a SQL statement.
For Eg.
If OL1 is created with CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE, then a session with CURSOR_SHARING=EXACT/SIMILAR would not be able to use the outline OL1.
In this scenario STORED OUTLINE is disabled.
I have a single query which is using a BAD plan in the production database.You have the SQL_ID, SQL_HASH_VALUE & SQL_CHILD_NUMBER of this query which is using the BAD plan.
On the other side you either tune it by adding HINTS or have another version of this same query which is runinng fine in the same production database. What do I mean by another version of this same query?
For example, I ran the same SQL statement from another SQL prompt after substituting the BIND variables with the literalsand confirmed the execution plan was GOOD.
Important Note : This GOOD one was having different SQL_ID & SQL_HASH_VALUE
Goal of this article,
a. From the same database, create the OUTLINE out of the SQL statement which is having the GOOD plan
b. Make the original query adopt the above outline
Remember, all these steps are done in the same production database and out of the buffer cache.
a. connect to a schema with CREATE ANY OUTLINE privilege
b. Perform these tasks as any schema other than SYS
c. Using DEFAULT category
d. The schema should have privilege to query v$sql & v$session
e. HINTCOUNT is same for both GOOD & BAD plan
Overall Steps
a) Generate the outline, name it OL1, for the BAD plan using the seperate SQL_HASH_VALUE & SQL_CHILD_NUMBER.
b) Generate an another outline, name it OL2, for the GOOD plan using seperate SQL_HASH_VALUE & SQL_CHILD_NUMBER.
GOOD : select * from emp; ===> OL1
BAD : select * from emp where ename='scott'; ===> OL2
Method 1
c) Update/Edit the outline OL2 by replacing with the values of OL1, so that both OL1 & OL2 should look alike.
Method 2
c) Rename the outline OL2 to OL1 and viceversa.
Method 3
c) Create a new private outline "PRIVOL2" out of OL2
d) Edit the private outline
f) resynchronize the private Stored Outline
g) Replace the original outline OL2 with this edited private outline "PRIVOL2"
Method 4
c) Create a new private outline "PRIVOL1" out of OL1
d) Create a new private outline "PRIVOL2" out of OL2
e) Edit the private outline
f) resynchronize the private Stored Outline
g) Replace the original outline OL2 with this edited private outline "PRIVOL2"
Detailed Steps
create table emp (empno number, ename varchar2(10)) tablespace users01;
create index empidx on emp(empno,ename) tablespace users01;
for i in 1..200 loop
insert into emp values (i,'blake');
end loop;
for i in 1..200 loop
insert into emp values (i,'scott');
end loop;
execute DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS(ownname =>'SCOTT', tabname => 'EMP', estimate_percent => 100, cascade => TRUE);
Open two seperate sqlplus session as SCOTT user
In Session 1 : select distinct sid from v$mystat; ----- Lets assume the SID # 514
In Session 1 : select * from emp;
In session 2 :
select sid,serial#,sql_id,sql_child_number,sql_hash_value,prev_sql_id,prev_hash_value,prev_child_number from v$session where sid=514;
In session 1 : select * from emp where ename='scott';
In session 2 :
select sid,serial#,sql_id,sql_child_number,sql_hash_value,prev_sql_id,prev_hash_value,prev_child_number from v$session where sid=514;
From the above exercise we got SQL ID, SQL HASH VALUE and CHILD NUMBER of both GOOD & BAD sql statement.
GOOD : select * from emp; ===> OL1
BAD : select * from emp where ename='scott'; ===> OL2
SQL_ID SQL_HASH_VALUE SQL_PLAN_HASH_VALUE SQL_CHILD_NUMBER SQL_TEXT============== ============== =================== ================ =====================================a2dk8bdn0ujx7 1745700775 2872589290 0 select * from emp;7h38thzz3wug9 4265503209 818394873 0 select * from emp where ename='badri'
select * from TABLE(dbms_xplan.display_cursor('a2dk8bdn0ujx7',0));
Plan hash value: 2872589290
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost (%CPU) Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 SELECT STATEMENT 2 (100) 1 TABLE ACCESS FULL EMP 60 540 2 (0) 00:00:01
select * from TABLE(dbms_xplan.display_cursor('7h38thzz3wug9',0));
Plan hash value: 818394873
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost (%CPU) Time --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 SELECT STATEMENT 1 (100) * 1 INDEX FULL SCAN EMPIDX 20 180 1 (0) 00:00:01
Goal : To make the BAD sql statement to use FULL TABLE SCAN instead of INDEX FULL SCAN.
Steps Common to ALL methods
1) Create outline using the SQL HASH VALUE & CHILD NUMBER
alter session set create_stored_outlines=true;
exec dbms_outln.CREATE_OUTLINE(1745700775,0);
exec dbms_outln.CREATE_OUTLINE(4265503209,0);
alter session set create_stored_outlines=false;
2) Query them to confirm the presence
col ol_name form a30
col sql_text form a40
col category form a10
col hint_text form a75
set lines 200
select ol_name,hintcount,HASH_VALUE,CATEGORY,HASH_VALUE2,SIGNATURE,sql_text from outln.ol$;
select ol_name,hint#,hint_text from outln.ol$hints order by 1,2;
3) Rename them for easy use
alter outline SYS_OUTLINE_09061700365898670 rename to OL1;
alter outline SYS_OUTLINE_09061700365899172 rename to OL2;
Method 1
UPDATE outln.ol$hints a SET a.hint_text=(select b.hint_text from outln.ol$hints b where b.ol_name='OL1' and a.hint#=b.hint#) where a.ol_name='OL2'; and a.hint#=1;
Method 2
UPDATE outln.ol$hints SET ol_name = decode(ol_name, 'OL1','OL2','OL2','OL1') WHERE ol_name in ('OL1','OL2');
Method 3
create private outline PRIVOL2 from OL2;
update system.ol$hints set hint_text='FULL(@"SEL$1" http://www.blogger.com/'mailto: where ol_name='PRIVOL1' and hint#=6;
execute dbms_outln_edit.refresh_private_outline('PRIVOL2');
create or replace outline OL2 from private PRIVOL2;
Method 4
create private outline PRIVOL1 from OL1;
create private outline PRIVOL2 from OL2;
UPDATE system.ol$hints SET ol_name = decode(ol_name, 'PRIVOL1','PRIVOL2','PRIVOL2','PRIVOL1') WHERE ol_name in ('PRIVOL1','PRIVOL2');
execute dbms_outln_edit.refresh_private_outline('PRIVOL1');
execute dbms_outln_edit.refresh_private_outline('PRIVOL2');
create or replace outline OL2 from private PRIVOL2;
stored; outline; create;memory ; cache; edit;swap;dbms_outln.CREATE_OUTLINE
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